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Conditional Field Rendering - Schema Documentation

This documentation explains how to extend a schema to conditionally render a new field based on a specific condition. This example focuses on a generic schema and uses a placeholder $newFieldCondition for the condition.


You may need to conditionally display or hide a field in your data schema based on certain criteria. This document outlines the steps to add a new field to a generic schema and specify conditions for when it should be rendered.

Updating the Schema

Step 1: Update the Schema Object

Modify the schema object to include the new field (newField) at the appropriate location within the existing structure.

export const genericSchema = {
def: {},
schema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
existingField1: { type: 'string' },
existingField2: { type: 'number' },
// ... (other existing fields)
newField: { type: 'string' }, // New field
if: {
properties: {
$newFieldCondition: { const: true }, // Placeholder for the condition
then: {
properties: {
$conditionalField: { type: 'string' }, // Define the new field in 'then' when the condition is met

Step 2: Define the Condition

Define the condition within the if section. Replace the $newFieldCondition placeholder with the actual property and condition that should trigger the visibility of newField. For example:

if: {
properties: {
someProperty: { const: "" }, // Example condition: newField shown when someProperty is greater than 10

The then section specifies what properties to add when the condition is met.

How the UI Looks

In the user interface, the appearance of the newField element depends on whether the specified condition is met. Here's how the UI behaves:

  • Condition Met: When the condition, as defined in the schema (e.g., someProperty > 10), is satisfied, the newField will be rendered and displayed within the user interface. Users can interact with this field as they would with any other field.

  • Condition Not Met: If the condition is not met, the newField will not be displayed in the UI. It will be hidden, and users will not see or interact with it. This behavior ensures that the UI remains user-friendly and responsive to the defined conditions.