To enable menu translations, we need to use translation keys in the menu routes and apply the t
function when rendering the menu.
For instance, consider the following routes:
key: 'usermenu',
tab: 'User Account',
exact: false,
name: 'User',
component: () => import('./components/Account'),
position: IMenuPosition.BOTTOM,
icon: 'AiOutlineUser',
priority: 1,
// authority: ['admin', 'user'],
path: `${ORG_STD_ROUTES.USER_BASE_PATH}/billing`,
key: 'usermenu.billing',
exact: true,
name: 'Billing Setting',
component: () => import('./components/Billing'),
position: IMenuPosition.BOTTOM,
priority: 3,
authority: ['admin', 'user'],
In the routes above, we need to use translation keys in the route names instead of the actual names. For example, instead of using route names like User
and Billing Setting
, we should use translation keys such as menu.user
and menu.billing_setting
Here are the updated routes to make translations work:
key: 'usermenu',
tab: 'User Account',
exact: false,
name: 'menu.user',
component: () => import('./components/Account'),
position: IMenuPosition.BOTTOM,
icon: 'AiOutlineUser',
priority: 1,
// authority: ['admin', 'user'],
path: `${ORG_STD_ROUTES.USER_BASE_PATH}/billing`,
key: 'usermenu.billing',
exact: true,
name: 'menu.billing_setting',
component: () => import('./components/Billing'),
position: IMenuPosition.BOTTOM,
priority: 3,
authority: ['admin', 'user'],
The translation keys should be defined in the menu.json
file in the package that have those menu as follows: