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Machine Configuration

Configurtion that has dependency on the entity that is retrieved from the database.

Example: If you have a Timesheet collection in Database and we need to store specific settings related for each timesheet. And these settings should overwrite the Organization Settings and give the final overwritten value.

MachineConfiguration cannot be pulled directly from the Database, instead it should be pulled when the entity from the database is pulled.

For Timesheet we store the data as following, with settings of required

"_id" : ObjectId("61e63058e34f63001cb26118"),
"timeRecordsId" : [
"orgId" : "test-org-b",
"userId" : "google-oauth2|102797252772551296445",
"startDate" : ISODate("2021-12-05T18:30:00.000Z"),
"endDate" : ISODate("2021-12-12T18:30:00.000Z"),
"state" : "APPROVED",
"submittedOn" : ISODate("2022-01-18T03:13:28.212Z"),
"__v" : 0,
settings: {
"timetracker" : {
"timesheet" : {
"timeRoundingInTimesheet" : false
"project" : {
"roundedType" : "Round up to",
"roundedToNearest" : "1800"
"approvedBy" : "google-oauth2|102797252772551296445",
"approvedOn" : ISODate("2022-01-18T03:13:38.963Z"),
"updatedBy" : null,
"updatedOn" : ISODate("2022-01-18T03:13:38.963Z")

The settings object when pulled from the graphql server, will be stored in Apollo Cache as MachineConfiguration:/timesheets:id=61e63058e34f63001cb26118#settingsConfiguration

Inorder to store in cache as Settings URL, few changes have to be done in the resolver, you can check the resolver section.

To get the effective settings value of timeRoundingInTimesheet we need to call useSetting as follows.

const externalResource = generateUri('timesheets', { _id }, 'settingsConfiguration');
useSetting({ configKey: key, overrides: { resource: externalResource, externalResource: externalResource}, options: {
defaultFragment: IConfigurationContributionNames.TimeTracker

Note: Prior to it, we need to make sure externalResource related cache exists in the apollo cache. When the entity of timesheet is pulled this format the settings into MachineConfiguration using predefined id_mapper for MachineConfiguration.

So when the useSetting get called with externalResource this won't call the backend instead check the apollo cache and returns the effect value.

Storing in the backend.

The settings are stored in the entity itself, so the input can have settings value inputed and in Mongo Model we define this fixed as Mixed Type.


Add settingsConfiguration field to the return type of the query that retrieves the data and it should of type IMachineConfiguration (this comes with base package). For example, here we call the userQuery to get the Timesheet data so add to it.

TimesheetResponse: {
settingsConfiguration: IMachineConfiguration


Add the resolver for field settingsConfiguration. Here we convert the settings object retrieved from the DB to MachineConfiguration

export const resolver = (options) => ({

TimesheetResponse: {

settingsConfiguration(src, args, { configurationService }) {
const resource = generateUri('properties' as any, { name: }, 'settingsConfiguration');
let data = '{}';
try {
data = JSON.stringify((src as any).settings);
} catch (err) {
console.log('---Errr---', err);
const machineModel = (configurationService as any).parser(resource.toString(), data);
return {
contents: machineModel.contents,
overrides: machineModel.overrides,
keys: machineModel.keys,
__typename: IClientCacheTypeNames.MachineConfiguration,
} as any;
Query: { ...},
Mutation: {...},


Make sure to include the field in the Query result.


Verify Apollo cache

Verify apollo cache


Get Settings

// first have the query run to populate apollo cache
const { loading: skip, data } = getDurationTimesheets('....');

// have the settings run with `externalResource` pointing to the `settingsConfiguration`
const {
data: { resolveConfiguration } = {},
refetch: refetchConfig,
} = useSetting({
configKey: key,
overrides: {
resource: timesheetResource,
externalResource: timesheetResource,
} as IConfigurationOverrides_Input,
options: {
defaultFragment: IConfigurationContributionNames.pubngProperty,