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Following Configurations are available and follows the order when they get overwritten.

  • Application/User Configuration
  • Organization/Window Configuration
  • Resource Configuration

Step1: When defining a configuration, first it need to be defined in preferences folder of the module.

Example: (Check account-api/server/src/preferences/teams-contribution.ts)

export const ProjectContribution = {
'organization.project.visibility': {
'type': 'string',
'enum': ['private', 'public'],
'default': 'public',
'enumDescriptions': [
nls.localize('', "Anyone on the internet can view the project."),
nls.localize('', "Only people you give access to will be able to view this project"),
'description': nls.localize('organziationProjectVisibility', 'Visibility'),
'scope': ConfigurationScope.RESOURCE,

Step 2: It should be loaded into the feature.

As shown in packages-modules/account-api/server/src/module.ts

export default new Feature({
createPreference: SettingsContributions as any,

On the frontend, it will get the generated DefaultConfiguration from the above preferences contributions under contents value.


query GetDefaultConfiguration {
getConfiguration(input: [ { target: 6, resource: ""}]) {
... on DefaultConfiguration {

fragment Configuration on IConfigurationModel{
overrides {


"data": {
"getConfiguration": [
"resource": {
"$mid": 1,
"path": "/12/settings.json",
"scheme": "cdecode",
"authority": "defaultsettings"
"target": null,
"contents": {
"organization": {
"project": {
"visibility": "public",
"tags": ""
"keys": [
"overrides": [],
"__typename": "DefaultConfiguration"
"loading": false,
"networkStatus": 7,
"stale": false

As said before this value can be overwritten by one of the configuration in following order.

UserConfiguration OrganizationConfiguration Resource

If we set a overritten value for above key in OrganizationConfiguration it gets overwritten by it. To write Organization configruation we call following client side query.

Here we changing the default value of organization.project.visibility from public to private.

Note: target is 4. Check IConfigurationTarget enum for explaination.


mutation UpdateConfigurationValue($key: String!, $value: AnyObject!, $overrides: ConfigurationOverrides_Input, $target: Int, $donotNotifyError: Boolean) {
updateConfigurationValue(key: $key, value: $value, overrides: $overrides, target: $target, donotNotifyError: $donotNotifyError)

key: "organization.project.visibility", value: "private", target: 4

And in Mongo DB, settings file is written as.

"_id" : ObjectId("5f480593bc743e662b48c47a"),
"tier" : "PERSONAL",
"billingLeaders" : [],
"name" : "NewOrg",
"namespace" : "NewOrg",
"resources" : [
"uri" : "mongo-db-file:/teams?name%3Dstackflow-53#settings"
"settings" : {
"organization" : {
"project" : {
"visibility" : "private"
"orgMembers" : [
"role" : "OWNER",
"inactive" : false,
"_id" : ObjectId("5f480593bc743e662b48c47b"),
"userId" : "google-oauth2|105396711426745196637"
"createdAt" : ISODate("2020-08-27T19:12:19.500Z"),
"updatedAt" : ISODate("2020-08-27T19:12:19.500Z"),
"__v" : 0

Now when you query the settings, it gets overrwritten by OrganizationConfiguration


query GetConfigurationValue($key: String, $overrides: ConfigurationOverrides_Input ){
getConfigurationValue(key: $key, overrides: $overrides) @client


"data": {
"getConfigurationValue": "private"
"loading": false,
"networkStatus": 7,
"stale": false

Variables to provide when calling

On Client end

If the user is logged in we provide the header when calling the backend which automatically provides userResoruce and organizationResource (if the user already selected an organization). So they are not need to be provided.

When calling query query GetConfigurationValue($key: String, $overrides: ConfigurationOverrides_Input ) based on the target we need to provide related resource uri.

For user specific configuration, variables will be:

resource: {scheme: "mongo-db-file", authority: "", path: "/accounts", query: "name=dec-312020-stack", fragment: "settings", …}
target: 1

Here resource is optional if the user is already logged in the client end.

note : User level configuration provide the result of APPLICATION scoped configuration overwritten with the default configuration.

For organization configuration

resource: {scheme: "mongo-db-file", authority: "", path: "/organizations", query: "name=dec-312020-stack", fragment: "settings", …}
target: 4

Here resource is optional if the organization is already selected in the client end.

note : Organization level configuration provide the result of WINDOW scoped configuration overriding the default configuration. If the user is logged in, the user values will be overwritten by organization configuration if they overlaps.

For resource specific

resource: f {scheme: "mongo-db-file", authority: "", path: "/teams", query: "name=TestTeamA&orgName=dec-312020-stack", fragment: "settings", …}
target: 5

note : Resource level configuration provide the result of RESOURCE scoped configuration overriding the organization configuration.

On Server side

We call GetViewerSettings. Since we don't provide header to the http call for the server to determine the userResource and organizationResource they are not optional.

When you need Application Scoped configuration, choose target: 1. The userResource to provide would be user resource which can be generated from generateUserUri method that exist in @adminide-stack/core.

When you need Window scoped configuration (usually organization specific), choose target: 4. The settingsResource to provide would be organization resource, which can be generated from generateOrgUri method that exist in @adminide-stack/core. If you also need user specific

When you need Resource scoped configuration (to overwrite organization configuration with the specific resource configuration), choose target: 5. The settingsResource to provide would be organization resource, which can be generated from generategenerateResourceUriOrgUri method that exist in @adminide-stack/core.