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To Install the project and build all packages

yarn bootstrap

To clean install the project of already installed.

If you need to do a clean the existing node_modules and take latest changes from the remote head

yarn clean:install


To check linting

yarn lint <relative folder>

To check and auto fix linting

yarn format <relative folder>


To run build all packages

yarn build

To run all packages in watch mode

yarn watch

Note: It only run packages and packages-modules only in watch mode. Servers should be run seperately.

Also check out yarn watch-packages to run watch on required packages.

To run build with watch for dependent packages

For auto reloading changes into the server to be productive during development.

yarn watch-packages

If you also need to watch along with it, you can as many scopes as required like below.

yarn watch-packages -- --scope=@sample-stack/counter-module* --scope=@packageb


To run a individual package in watch mode

lerna exec --scope=<package name> yarn watch

More details on how to use lerna exec

To run any command on a package <package_name>

lerna exec --scope=<package_name> <command>

How to Start Backend and Frontend seperately.

To start the frontend-server

lerna exec --scope=*frontend-server yarn watch

To just start the backend-server

lerna exec --scope=*backend-server yarn watch

To run both Frontend and Backend Server

yarn start

To run both Frontend and Backend Server but start frontend in SSR Mode

yarn start:envSSR

To run Frontend with production build in development

build the package

lerna exec --scope=*frontend-server yarn build

start the server with dev environment file

lerna exec --scope=*frontend-server yarn start:dev

Make sure backend is also running in seperate terminal

lerna exec --scope=*backend-server yarn watch

Start Mobile application

Before to start mobile expo, make sure to start the backend server of the web application first.

lerna exec --scope=*backend-server yarn watch

And then start mobile expo application.

lerna exec --scope=*mobile-device yarn watch

Start Desktop application

Before to start desktop application, make sure to start the backend server of the web application first.

lerna exec --scope=*backend-server yarn watch

And then start desktop application.

lerna exec --scope=*desktop yarn watch