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Ctl + n -> Next line

Ctl + p -> Prev line

Ctl + o -> insert above

Ctl + b -> move cursor right

Ctl + f -> move cursor left

Ctl + d -> Delete letter

Ctl + a -> Begin of line

Ctl + e -> End of line

CMD + { 1, 2, 3} -> to move between editors

CMD + Tab -> To navigate between editors

CMD + K, N -> To view probelems highlighted

CMD + . -> To get quick suggestion

Custome Key Binding, To switch between terminal and editor

// Place your key bindings in this file to override the defaultsauto[]
"key": "ctrl+shift+t",
"command": "workbench.action.terminal.focus"
"key": "ctrl+shift+t",
"command": "workbench.action.focusActiveEditorGroup",
"when": "terminalFocus"


hjkl -> left, down, up, right

w -> next word start

e -> next word end

ge -> previous word end

yw -> copy the word

p -> paste after cursor

P -> paste before cursor

Movement by word

b, B, e, E

Movement by sentance

( -> previous sentance begining

) -> moves to the next end

d) -> delete everything to end of sentance.

2d) -> delete two sentance

Movement by paragraph

{ -> moves to the above paragraph

} -> moves to below paragraph

Intra-Line movement

t -> before the search letter in the word

f -> begining of search letter in the word

Start and End of line jumps

0 -> begining of line

$ -> end of line

I -> jumps to begining of the line with insert mode

A -> jumps to end of the line with insert mode.

vi{ or va{ or f{% -> to select the content between brackets.

  • Indent a block of code in vi by three spaces with Visual Line mode:

    Open your file in VI. Put your cursor over some code Be in normal mode press the following keys:

    Vjjjj:le 3

    Interpretation of what you did:

    V means start selecting text.

    jjjj arrows down 4 lines, highlighting 4 lines.

    : tells vi you will enter an instruction for the highlighted text.

    le 3 means indent highlighted text 3 lines.

IO Simulator

Ctl + Cmd + z