Sharing packages to remote with splash option
- In the source create subtree branch using
for the directory we wan to share
git clone fullstack-source
git subtree split --prefix=packages-modules/counter/browser --branch=split-packages-modules/counter/browser --rejoin --squash
- The target
mkdir fullstack-target
cd fullstack-target
touch file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt
git init
git add .
git commit -m 'first commit'
- Add subtree
git subtree add --prefix=packages-modules/counter/browser ../fullstack-source split-packages-modules/counter/browser
To push changes from target to source
- create a file in subtree
touch packages-modules/counter/browser/shared_file.txt
git add .
git commit -m 'shared file;
- push the file source
git subtree push --prefix=packages-modules/counter/browser ../fullstack-source split-packages-modules/counter/browser
To merge the subtree changes to the source project master
cd fullstack-source
git subtree pull --prefix=packages-modules/counter/browser ../fullstack-source split-packages-modules/counter/browser --squash
To push the changes from source to target project
cd fullstack-source
vi packages-modules/counter/browser/shared_file.test
git subtree split --prefix=packages-modules/counter/browser --branch=split-packages-modules/counter/browser --rejoin --squash
- from target pull those changes
git subtree pull --prefix=packages-modules/counter/browser ../fullstack-source split-packages-modules/counter/browser