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How to contribute ?

Follow the Coding Guidles and Source Code Organisation

You need to be familiar with lerna tool and know about various command to run the project. More details about lerna is here

Project setup

Follow the project setup steps here

Branch to use

  1. Once you setup the project, switch to develop branch.
  2. Create a new branch using develop branch as source based on the issue you working.
  3. Update changes to that branch and create a PR against develop branch.
  4. As soon as PR is created, we have a build process that runs in the background to check whether it is successful or failed.
  5. If it successfull you will see a green check otherwise a red cross. When you notice it has red cross then run yarn build locally and fix any issues and submit the commit again to check it's updated status.

Note: master branch is read-only branch and we don't want to merge anything to it other than that from develop branch. So please avoid creating PRs against master branch.