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CSS Import and Stylesheet Links Example

This example demonstrates how to import CSS files from a package and return them as stylesheet links in a TypeScript project.


To use this example, follow these steps:

  1. Install the necessary packages:

    npm install <your-css-package>
    # or
    yarn add <your-css-package>

Import the CSS files in your TypeScript file:

append the ?url at the end of css import

import mainStyles from '<your-css-package>/main.css?url';


import '<your-css-package>/any.css'

Add @tsignore above import

import mainStyles from '<your-css-package>/main.css?url';
import mainStyles from '<your-css-package>/main.css?url';
import customStyles from '../styles/landing.css?url';

export const links = () => {
return [
rel: 'stylesheet',
href: customStyles as unknown as string,
rel: 'stylesheet',
href: mainStyles as unknown as string,

Note: All css files import should be in route component, in subcomponent components it will not work

Directory Structure

app routes app.tsx components Button.tsx styles app.css button.css

app.tsx (Route Component)

import { LinksFunction } from "remix";
import buttonStyles from "../styles/button.css?url";

export const links: LinksFunction = () => {
return [{ rel: "stylesheet", href: buttonStyles }];

import Button from "../components/Button";
const ComponentWithLoader = (props) => {

return (
<React.Suspense fallback={<Spinner></Spinner>}>
<Await resolve={OwnerPropertiesLoader} errorElement={<Alert>Error loading TypeLists!</Alert>}>
<h1>Welcome to my Remix app!</h1>
<Button />

Button.tsx (SubComponent)

export default function Button() {
return (
<button className="custom-button">Click me</button>


Error: No route matches URL "/styles/landing.css"

Make sure styles folder which it is looking is copied to lib folder. If not check rollup.config.base.mjs under root of the project, whether it has styles pattern in copy plugin

const additionalPlugins = [
copy({ patterns: ['**/cdm-locales/**/*', '**/styles/**/*'], rootDir: './src' }),

Build error: [!] RollupError: Could not resolve "../styles/landing.css?url" from "src/pages/Landing.tsx"

Make sure ignoreCssUrlPlugin added to rollup.config.base.mjs after typescript plugin as shown below.
