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Extra Icons

The following is the configuration of it

Passing Data through compute.ts

To populate data in this component, you'll need to pass configuration options through compute.ts. Here’s an example:

  1. Configure extraIcons in compute.ts.

this is how you will configure in compute.ts.

extraIcons: [

// example



this is how you will configure in config.json in frontend-server.

iconsRepository: {
<icon-repository-name>: "<icon-repository-path>",

// example
rifi: "@pubngo-stack/icons/lib/rifi/{iconName}.js"



Key Fields:

  • extraIcons: Array of additional icons to map to the categories. Each icon has an associated value that will be passed to the CategoriesTypeList component.
  • iconsRepository: Object mapping icon repositories to their respective paths. Each key represents a repository, and the value is the path template for the icons in that repository.