GraphQL Server needs to know how to populate data for every field in your schema so that it can respond to requests for that data. To accomplish this, it uses resolvers.
A resolver is a function that's responsible for populating the data for a single field in your schema. It can populate that data in any way you define, such as by fetching data from a back-end database or a third-party API. A resolver is the key architectural component that connects GraphQL fields, graph edges, queries, mutations, and subscriptions to their respective data sources and micro-services. Read more about resolvers here
If you don't define a resolver for a particular field, Apollo Server automatically defines a default resolver for it.
We use Schema First
approach which requires us to define GraphQL schema before we write any code for it. So in order to
create new GraphQL types, query or mutation, you need to add them to Schema. Create your schema file under graphql/schema/<file-name.gql
type User{}
type Users{
totalCount: Int!,
data: [User!]
input CreateInput{}
input UpdateUserInput{}
extend type Query{
# ... existing queries
user(id:ID!): UserModel!
users(id:ID!): UserPageModel!
extend type Mutation{
createUser(user:CreateUserInput!): UserModel!
updateUser(id:ID!, user: UpdateUserInput!): UserModel!
deleteUser(id:ID!): Boolean!
Everytime you make change to GraphQL schema, we need to re generate typescript definitions using the following command
npm run generateGraphql
Next, let's add resolver implementation, by convention the all resolver definitions resides under graphql/resolvers
// graphql/resovlers/user-resolver.ts
export const userResolver = (): IResolvers<IContext> => ({
// # Nested resolvers for relations
async posts(user,_, args, { postService }){
const {data, totalCount} = await userService.getAllWithCount({
return {
Query: {
async users(_, args, { userService }) {
const {data, totalCount} = await userService.getAllWithCount(args);
return {
user(_, { id }, { userService }) {
return userService.get(id);
Mutation: {
createUser(_, { user }, { userService }) {
return userService.create(user);
updateUser(_, { id, user }, { userService }) {
return userService.update(id, user, false);
deleteUser(_, { id }, { userService }) {
return userService.delete(id);
Note: In order to use any service in the resolver first, you need to register your service in the [GraphQL context]( Add it under `createServiceFunc` of [Feature](/cdebase-wiki/docs/feature-api/feature-server/feature) API. If it does not already exist create one.const createServiceFunc = (container: interfaces.Container): IService => ({
userService: container.get<IUserService>(TYPES.UserService),
export default new Feature({
// rest of the configutations