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Feature Server API

Similar to Feature Browser API, the backend Feature API support all that need to run the backend application.

It is opiniated and it supports

  • graphql-server such as resolvers, schema, directives, datasource
  • express middleware
  • preferences configuration
  • permissions configuration
  • policy configuration
  • roles configuraton
  • Graphql Rules
  • Moleculer broker services

Each of these packaged module is used in the backend-server like below

import CounterModule from '@sample-stack/counter-module-server';
import AccountModule from '@sample-stack/account-module-server';
import PaymentModule from '@sample-stack/payment-module-server';

const feature = new Feature(DefaultFeature, CounterModule, AccountModule, PaymentModule);

For example provide all the required configuration to the Feature like below.

const module = new Feature({
createDirectivesFUnc: paymentContextDirectives,
createDataSourceFunc: () => ({
stripeManager: new StripeDataSourceService(),
createResolversFunc: resolver,
createServcieFunc: billingSErviceFunc,
middleware: stripeWebhookMiddleware,
createContainerFunc: [billingPorxyModule],
createHemeraContainerFunc: [billingModule],
postStartFunc: [(container, ctx) => initStripe(container, ctx)],
addBrokerClientServiceClass: [
createPreference: settings,
rolesUpdate: {
overwriteRolesPermissions: rolePermissionOverwrite,
addPermissions: {
createPermissions: billingRoleContribution,
addPolicies: {
createPolicies: BillingPolicyContribution,