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Test Setup

Jest Configuration

There is base jest configuration in the root folder as jest.config.base.js. All other packages need to extend this base jest configuration and customize the path so they relative to the package location.

for example in package package/sample-core

jest.config.js file content has

const merge = require('merge')
const baseConfig = require('../../jest.config.base');
const mergeData = merge.recursive(
testEnvironment: "jsdom",
"transform": {
"\\.(js|jsx)?$": "../../transform.js",
moduleNameMapper: {
// '^__mocks__/(.*)$': '<rootDir>/../__mocks__/$1',
// we'll use commonjs version of lodash for tests 👌
// because we don't need to use any kind of tree shaking right?!
'^lodash-es$': '<rootDir>../../node_modules/lodash/index.js'
roots: [
globals: {


module.exports = mergeData;

It extends the base jest configuration and add customize transform path relative to the package directory. Set testEnvironment to jsdom for browser testing and to node for node tests.

Check the package.json both in the root and packages have path to the environment file. For example

   // from packages
"test": "cross-env ENV_FILE=../../../config/test/test.env yarn jest",

Test case

Add following two lines in all test cases where we using inversify and envalid in the files we testing or somewhere in its dependencies.

import 'reflect-metadata';
require('dotenv').config({ path: process.env.ENV_FILE });


Command to run test in all packages

yarn jest 

Command to run test on a specific packages

lerna exec --scope <package-name> yarn test

Run test on a specific file

lerna exec --scope <package-name> yarn test <file-name.test>

Known Issues

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