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Documentation for SecureButton Component (Web Version)

The SecureButton component for the web is an extension of the SecureButton component. It is designed for use on web applications and provides additional functionality, including the ability to display a login modal when the user is not authenticated. This component ensures that the action specified in the onClick prop is executed only if the user is authenticated. If the user is not authenticated, it can show a login modal for the user to log in.


To use the SecureButton component for the web, you need to import it and pass a child component (e.g., a button) as an argument. The child component should accept an onClick prop, which is a function that defines the action to be executed when the button is clicked.

Example Usage:

import React from 'react';
import { SecureButton } from './SecureButton';

function MyButton(props) {
// Your button component code
return (
<button onClick={props.onClick}>{props.children}</button>

const SecureMyButton = SecureButton(MyButton);

In this example, MyButton is a custom button component. We wrap it using the SecureButton to create a SecureMyButton. The SecureMyButton will ensure that the action specified in the onClick prop is only executed if the user is authenticated. If the user is not authenticated, it can display a login modal for the user to log in.


The SecureButton component for the web accepts the following props:

  • Component: The child component that you want to wrap with the security layer. This component should accept the onClick prop, which is a function that defines the action to be executed when the button is clicked.


When a user interacts with the SecureButton, it will perform the following actions based on the user's authentication status:

  • If the user is authenticated:
    • It will execute the action specified in the onClick prop.
  • If the user is not authenticated:
    • It will set renderProtectedComponent to true, which can trigger the display of a login modal.
    • It passes control to the onClick function with the event object.
    • The login modal should be displayed conditionally based on the value of renderProtectedComponent.
    • The login modal should provide a way for the user to log in.
    • The login modal should also have a mechanism to close it, which can be achieved by invoking onLoginModalClose.


import React, { useState, useCallback } from 'react';
import { LoginModal } from './LoginModal'; // Import your login modal component
import { isUserAuthenticated } from '@adminide-stack/user-auth0-client';

export function SecureButton<P extends { onClick: (e?: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {} }>(
Component: React.ComponentType<P>,
) {
return (props: P) => {
const [renderProtectedComponent, setRenderProtectedComponent] = useState(false);
const { authenticated } = isUserAuthenticated();
const handleOnClick = useCallback((e) => {
if (authenticated) {
return props.onClick(e);
}, [authenticated, props, setRenderProtectedComponent]);

const onLoginModalClose = useCallback(() => {
}, [setRenderProtectedComponent]);

return (
{renderProtectedComponent && <LoginModal onClose={onLoginModalClose} />}
<Component {...props} onClick={handleOnClick} />

In this example, the SecureButton component for the web is defined. It wraps a child component specified in the Component prop. If the user is not authenticated, it sets renderProtectedComponent to true, which can trigger the display of a login modal. The login modal can be your custom modal component, and it provides a way for the user to log in. The onLoginModalClose function allows closing the login modal when needed.