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1. Inbox Test Cases

Example Config:

Channel Roles: Host/Guest

import { Inbox } from '@messenger-box/platform-mobile';
import { IRoomType } from '@messenger-box/platform-client';
const inboxConfig = {
['//l/inbox']: {
exact: true,
name: 'Inbox',
props: {
initialParams: { channelId: null },
component:(props: any) => (
<Inbox {...props}
channelFilters={{type: IRoomType.Direct,orgName:orgName}}
supportServices={true} />
  • Inbox with channelFilters (default type direct).
<Inbox channelFilters={{type: IRoomType.Direct}} />
  • Inbox with channelFilters (default type direct and orgName null).
<Inbox channelFilters={{type: IRoomType.Direct,orgName:orgName}} />
  • Inbox with channelRole (default all type).
<Inbox channelFilters={{type: IRoomType.Direct}} channelRole={'Guest'} />
  • Inbox with supportServices (default false).
<Inbox channelFilters={{type: IRoomType.Direct}} supportServices={true} />
  • Expected Result: The inbox should display a list of all direct channels by default.Additionally, it should support filtering the displayed channels based on specified criteria (channelFilters).When supportServices=true, it should display all fitered channels with all support service channels (By default supportServices=false).

2. Inbox Conversation Test Cases

Example Config:

import { DialogMessages } from '@messenger-box/platform-mobile';
import { IRoomType } from '@messenger-box/platform-client';
const inboxConversationConfig = {
['//inbox/dialogmessage']: {
exact: true,
name: 'Inbox.DialogMessages',
props: {
component:(props: any) => (
<DialogMessages {...props}
  • Inbox Conversation with ChannelId.
<DialogMessages channelId={props?.route?.params?.channelId} />
  • Inbox Service Conversation with ChannelId and postParentId.
  • Inbox Conversation with Role.
<DialogMessages channelId={props?.route?.params?.channelId} role={'Guest'} />
  • Inbox Conversation with Thread Messages (Default true).
isShowThreadMessage={false} />
  • Expected Result: The inbox conversation component should display a list of all direct channel messages by default for given channelId.Additionally, it should support filtering the displayed channel messages based on specified criteria (role and isShowThreadMessage).When isShowThreadMessage=false, it should display all fitered channel messages with thread messages view disabled (By default isShowThreadMessage=true).