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Mailing Templates

Create a Template

Under your module's src folder, create a new folder named migration (if haven't already). Define your ejs mail template under this directory.

Create neccessary types

Create a unique template name.


extend enum MailTemplateId {
""" Prefix with Db to make sure it look into the database """

and run yarn generateGraphql so it generates types in the core package.

Make sure to build the core package where it get generated.

Define a migration

Define your migration file, import your newly defined template and define both up and down methods.


import { IMailTemplateId } from '@adminide-stack/core';
import { MailTemplateMigration } from '@container-stack/mailing-api-server';
import { injectable } from 'inversify';
import { config } from '../config';

const template = require('./template-name.ejs'); // replace with actual template-name

@injectable() export class HolidayGreetingsTemplateMigration extends MailTemplateMigration { protected NAMESPACE = config.NAMESPACE;

protected VERSION = '20220502'; <-- CURRENT DATE IN FORMAT 'YYYYMMDD'. Any time change in template make sure to change this to redeploy

protected name = IMailTemplateId.HolidayGreetingsTemplateId;

protected templatePayload(): Record<string, unknown> {
return {
description: 'Holiday Greeting',
html: template.default,


#### PS
Make sure that you define unique `name` for your template

#### Bind to Container

Bind your newly added migration with container so that it gets migrated when server stars



Sending Email

In any service where you want to call to sendEmail for example


// These import can be from '@container-stack/mailing-api' as well
import { ISendMail_Input, IMoleculerServiceName, IMailServiceAction } from '@adminide-stack/core';

class ExampleService {

protected broker: ServiceBroker;

private async anyOtherFunctionCallingSendEmail(request, transport) {
try {
const emailResponse = await`${IMoleculerServiceName.MailService}.${IMailServiceAction.SendEmail}`, {
request: {
topic: '',
templateId: IMailTemplateId.BillingNotificationId,
namespace: config.NAMESPACE,
variables: {
// add any variables that you need to pass to template.
text: variables.subject,
messageHtml: '',
message: '',
} as ISendMail_Input,
} catch (err) {


Add required email environment variables in `config`

export const config = envalid.cleanEnv<IConfig>(process.env, {
EMAIL_USER: str(),
We support following operations on mailer-service
  1. Send
  2. SendBulkEmail
  3. Query
  4. Report
  5. CreateTemplate
  6. SaveTemplate
  7. DropTemplate
  8. List