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Feature Browser API

Feature is a fractal-based modular architecture. It is like a module federation to create independent packages that have references to all that need to run a fullstack application. Each of these module should have code limited to its requirement that way we achieve seperation of concerns.

It is opiniated and it supports following for client state management

  • redux
  • redux-persist
  • apollo-client
  • redux-observable

Components are rendered only through react-router, for that we pass routeConfig.

Dynamic Components are provided using slot-fill logic using componentFillPlugins configuration.

Third-party Scripts can be inserted into HTML page as well.

Each of these packaged module is used in the frontend-server like below

import counterModule from '@sample-stack/counter-module-browser';
import accountModule from '@sample-stack/account-module-browser';
import paymentModule from '@sample-stack/payment-module-browser';

const features = new Feature(FeatureWithRouterFactory, counterModule, accountModule, paymentModule);

The frontend-server have all required logic to consolidate the reducers, epics, apollo-client configuration, react-router configuration etc to run the application.

For example provide all the required configuration to the Feature like below.

const module = new Feature({
Customizing ID in the apollo cache.
load apollo-client state management.
clientStateParams: { resolvers, typeDefs: schema },
load redux-observables to manage the client state.
epic: [onUserAccountNotFound],
load react-router configuration to display component based on navigation.
for more information check [Routing](./
routeConfig: filteredRoutes,
componentFillPlugins: [{
name: 'teams-contribution',
render: TeamsContribution,
load any scripts when this Feature Module is used.
scriptsInsert: '',
createContainerFunc: [Auth0Module],
load reducers to the Redux Store when this Feature Module is used.
reducer: { user: userReducer, redirectRoutes: redirectRoutesReducer, authErrors: authErrorsReducer },
By default all redux state is persisted using redux-persist, if you need to manipulate the persist state
add configuration here.
reduxPersistTransforms: [blacklistErrorFilter, blacklistUserFilter]

We don't need to put the redux store creation nor apollo-client setup in the Module as this action will be taken care at the higher level (frontend-server).

Client State Management

Applciation state can be managed using Apollo Link State and Redux.


Support redux's reducers Example:

const module = new Feature({
reducer: { user: userReducer, redirectRoutes: redirectRoutesReducer, authErrors: authErrorsReducer },

Apollo Client State Management

Support interacting with local data in Apollo Client


const module = new Feature({
clientStateParams: { resolvers, typeDefs: schema, typePolicies },

Support cusotmizing the ID in the apollo cache. More infromation is here


Support redux-observable


const module = new Feature({
epic: [onUserAccountNotFound],