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Procedure to deploy new version of application

Below is the procedure to spin up a new development env in new namespace

Lets take an example of admin-layout project. Assuming v9 version is already deployed in admin-layout-v1 namespace. Now task is to deploy new env with version v9.1 in example-namespace namespace.

  1. Create new version setup in the Git repository of the targeted project. Run the versioning script to change the version of the project by following update versionon the project link
  1. Deploy new env with Jenkins job.

    Ensure that the PUBLISH_BRANCH, REPOSITORY_BRANCH, DEVELOP_BRANCH, and VERSION parameters in the Jenkins job are updated to match the new version (example v9.1) as specified in the updated Jenkinsfile.

  • Set version of the deployment to v9-1
  • Set the branch of repository to develop9-1
  • Set the public branch to develop9-1
  • Set develop branch to develop9-1

Note: The version number should be different. Otherwise, it will override the existing setup.