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Adding @addAccountContext and Understanding IAccountContext and IUserContext

This help manual provides an overview of the addAccountContext directive, which is used to add additional user-specific context details to GraphQL resolvers. The addAccountContext directive can be applied to specific queries or mutations to enhance the resolver functionality. Express middleware adds user and organization context based on the provided orgName and token from the frontend.

IAccountContext and IUserContext interfaces, which are used in the context of the addAccountContext directive. These interfaces define the structure of the context objects passed to the resolvers.

1. IAccountContext is included in the Graphql Rewsolver Context:

The IAccountContext interface represents the context object that provides additional details related to an account. It has the following properties:

  • req: An instance of express.Request, representing the HTTP request object.
  • res: An instance of express.Response, representing the HTTP response object.
  • userContext: An object of type IUserContext, containing the user-specific context details.
  • profile: An object of type IUserProfile, representing the user's profile.
  • user: An object of type IIAuth0Token, containing information about the user's authentication token.
  • orgname (optional): A string representing the organization name associated with the account.

2. Details of IUserContext:

The IUserContext type defines the user-specific context details within the IAccountContext. It has the following properties:

  • accountId (optional): A string representing the user's account ID.
  • dummy (optional): A string field that may be used for dummy data.
  • emailId (optional): A string representing the user's email ID.
  • identity (optional): An object of type AnyObject, which can hold various identity-related data.
  • namespace (optional): A string representing the user's namespace.
  • orgId (optional): A string representing the organization ID associated with the user.
  • orgRole (optional): A string representing the user's role within the organization.
  • orgSettingUri (optional): A URI representing the organization's settings.
  • organization: An object of type IOrganization, providing information about the organization.
  • paymentCustomerId (optional): A string representing the payment customer ID associated with the user.
  • paymentSubscriptionId (optional): A string representing the payment subscription ID associated with the user.
  • permissions (optional): An object of type AnyObject, which can hold various permission-related data.
  • resourceId (optional): A string representing the resource ID associated with the user.
  • resourceSettingUri (optional): A URI representing the resource's settings.
  • teamId (optional): A string representing the team ID associated with the user.
  • teamSettingUri (optional): A URI representing the team's settings.
  • userAlias (optional): A string representing the user's alias.
  • userSettingUri (optional): A URI representing the user's settings.

Please note that the optional keyword indicates that these properties are not required and may be null or undefined in certain cases.

By understanding the structure of IAccountContext and IUserContext, you can effectively utilize the addAccountContext directive and access the relevant context data within your resolvers.

Make sure to import the necessary dependencies, such as express and the required types/interfaces (IUserContext, IAccountContext, IUserProfile, IIAuth0Token, IOrganization, etc.), into your codebase to use these interfaces effectively.

If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please don't hesitate to ask.

Let's dive into the details:

1. Adding the addAccountContext Directive:

The addAccountContext directive provides additional details, such as the ServerContext, in the GraphQL resolver. This directive can be added to specific queries or mutations. Here's an example of how to add the directive:

extend type Query {
getOrganizationTeams(orgName: String): [AccountTeam] @addAccountContext

extend type Mutation {
createInvoice(invoice: InvoiceCreateRequest!): Boolean @addAccountContext

By extending the Query and Mutation types, you can add the addAccountContext directive to specific fields. In the example above, the getOrganizationTeams query and the createInvoice mutation have been extended with the directive.

2. Updating Resolvers:

To handle the functionality added by the addAccountContext directive, you need to update your resolvers accordingly. Here's an example of how to update your resolvers:

import { IResolverOptions } from '@common-stack/server-core';
import { IResolvers } from '<from generated file>';

export const resolvers: (options: IResolverOptions) => IResolvers<IAccountContext & MyContext> = (options) => ({
Query: {
getOrganizationTeams: (root, { orgName }, { teamService, user, userContext }) => {
options.logger.trace('(Query.getOrganizationTeams) orgName [%j]', orgName);
if (!user) {
return [];
return teamService.getOrganizationTeams(userContext.orgId, userContext.orgRole, userContext.accountId);
Mutation: {
createInvoice: async (root, { invoice }, { invoiceService, orgname }) => {
return invoiceService.createInvoice({ ...invoice, orgName: orgname })
.then(() => true)
.catch((e) => e);

In the updated resolvers, we have added the necessary code to handle the getOrganizationTeams query and the createInvoice mutation. The getOrganizationTeams resolver retrieves organization teams based on the provided orgName and user context. The createInvoice resolver uses the invoiceService to create an invoice with the provided data, including the orgName from the resolver context.

Please ensure that you have imported the required dependencies, such as express and the necessary types/interfaces (IResolverOptions, IResolvers, IContext, MyContext, etc.), as shown in the provided code snippets.

That's it! By following these steps, you can add directives and update your resolvers to enhance the functionality of your GraphQL server.